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Graphics2D Actor API
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i - Static variable in class g2d.npa.examples.Nspk
id - Variable in class g2d.glyphviewer.GlyphView
id - Variable in class g2d.glyphviewer.NavPanel
id - Variable in class g2d.graph.IOPNode
id - Variable in class g2d.graphviewer.NavPanel
id - Variable in class g2d.netviewer.NetPanel
id - Variable in class g2d.npa.NeverPattern
id - Variable in class g2d.npa.NPAFrame
id - Variable in class g2d.tabwin.AppFrame
id - Variable in class g2d.terms.Hole
Identifiable - Class in g2d.jlambda
Those things that have a unique identifier, fully delegates to the interpreter now.
Identifiable() - Constructor for class g2d.jlambda.Identifiable
IF - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
IK - Static variable in class g2d.npa.examples.Examples
ik - Static variable in class g2d.npa.examples.IntruderKnowledge
ilk - Variable in class g2d.console.Console
Image - Class in g2d.util
Image() - Constructor for class g2d.util.Image
image2File(BufferedImage, String) - Static method in class g2d.util.Image
image2File(BufferedImage, File) - Static method in class g2d.util.Image
ImageFilter - Class in g2d.swing
ImageFilter(String, Dot.DotFormat) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.ImageFilter
ImageFilter(String, Dot.DotFormat, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.ImageFilter
ImageGlyph - Class in g2d.glyph
The start of our next generation Ezd package.
ImageGlyph(ImageGlyph) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageGlyph(String, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageGlyph(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageGlyph(String) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageGlyph(URL, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageGlyph(URL, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
ImageJFrame - Class in g2d.util
ImageJFrame(int, int, String) - Constructor for class g2d.util.ImageJFrame
images - Variable in class g2d.graph.IOPGraph
importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class g2d.npa.TableRowTransferHandler
in - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.Utils
in - Static variable in class g2d.util.IO
inchesToPoints(double) - Static method in class g2d.swing.IOPConstants
increment() - Method in class g2d.glyph.AnimatedGlyph
index - Variable in enum g2d.pla.SubgraphTabita.SubgraphAction
index - Variable in class g2d.terms.HolePosition
indexOfCompletion(String, int) - Method in class g2d.graphviewer.list.ListModel
Search for the first occurrence of an object, whose name has a partial name (partial names are tokens within the name separated by '(', ':', or ')' such as complexes) that begins with the given prefix (case insensitive).
indexOfCompletion(String, int) - Method in class g2d.pla.list.NodeListModel
Search for the first occurrence of an object, whose name has a partial name (partial names are tokens within the name separated by '(', ':', or ')' such as complexes) that begins with the given prefix (case insensitive).
indexOfName(String, boolean, int) - Method in class g2d.graphviewer.list.ListModel
Searches for the first occurrence of an object with the given name from the given starting index.
indexOfName(String, boolean, int) - Method in class g2d.pla.list.NodeListModel
Searches for the first occurrence of an object with the given name from the given starting index.
indexOfPattern(String, boolean, int) - Method in class g2d.pla.list.NodeListModel
Searches for the first occurrence of an object with the given name from the given starting index.
indexOfTabControl(TabControl) - Method in class g2d.tabwin.TabFrame
indexOfTabPanel(TabPanel) - Method in class g2d.tabwin.TabFrame
indices - Variable in class g2d.subset.SDialog
Info - Class in g2d.graphviewer
Info(Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.graphviewer.Info
inI - Static variable in class g2d.npa.examples.IntruderKnowledge
initialSize - Static variable in class g2d.graphviewer.AbstractBaseFrame
input - Variable in class g2d.console.Console
InputTextArea - Class in g2d.console
InputTextArea(Console) - Constructor for class g2d.console.InputTextArea
insert(Urelement) - Method in class g2d.subset.Dictionary
insertAfter(int, int) - Method in class g2d.tabwin.TabFrame
insertAt(Component, int) - Method in class g2d.toolbar.ToolBar
insertBefore(int, int) - Method in class g2d.tabwin.TabFrame
insertElementAt(Object, int) - Method in class g2d.subset.SComboBoxModel
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.closure.ClosureGlyph
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.AnimatedGlyph
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.Glyph
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.Glyphish
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.GlyphList
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
inside(Point2D) - Method in class g2d.graph.GraphItem
inspect(Console.Command) - Method in class g2d.console.Console
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
INT - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
int2DotFormat(int) - Static method in class g2d.graph.Dot
INTEGRAL_PREFIX - Static variable in class g2d.util.Orderings
Interpreter - Class in g2d.jlambda
interpretTilde(String) - Static method in class g2d.jlambda.Utils
interpretTilde(String) - Static method in class g2d.util.IO
intersect(String[]) - Method in class g2d.subset.Universe
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.closure.ClosureGlyph
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.AnimatedGlyph
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.Glyph
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.Glyphish
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.GlyphList
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.glyph.ImageGlyph
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class g2d.graph.GraphItem
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class g2d.graph.Polygon2D
IntruderKnowledge - Class in g2d.npa.examples
IntruderKnowledge() - Constructor for class g2d.npa.examples.IntruderKnowledge
intruderPanel - Variable in class g2d.npa.NeverPattern
intruderTable - Variable in class g2d.npa.NeverPattern
intValue - Variable in class g2d.util.Variable
INVIS - Static variable in class g2d.graph.IOPEdge
Style of a invisible line for this edge.
INVOKE - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
IO - Class in g2d.util
Self contained IO (for either an Applet or Application).
IOPAskUser - Class in g2d.swing
IOPAskUser(Frame, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPAskUser
IOPButton - Class in g2d.swing
An easy to use JButton.
IOPButton(String, Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPButton
IOPButton(String, Icon, String, KeyStroke, Integer, Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPButton
IOPButton(String, String, Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPButton
IOPButton(String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPButton
IOPColorKey - Class in g2d.swing
IOPColorKey() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPColorKey
IOPColorKey(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPColorKey
IOPColorKey(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPColorKey
IOPColorKey(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPColorKey
IOPColorKey(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPColorKey
IOPComponent - Class in g2d.swing
Main component to be displayed in an IOPView.
IOPComponent() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPComponent
IOPConstants - Class in g2d.swing
IOPDropdownButton - Class in g2d.swing
IOPDropdownButton() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPDropdownButton
IOPDropdownButton(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPDropdownButton
IOPDropdownButton.DDMenuItem - Class in g2d.swing
IOPDropdownButton.DDPopupMenu - Class in g2d.swing
IOPEdge - Class in g2d.graph
An edge object for IOPGraph.
IOPEdge(IOPNode, IOPNode) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPEdge
Constructs a bare edge (no arrow heads) between two given nodes.
IOPEdge(IOPNode, IOPNode, Color) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPEdge
Constructs a bare edge (no arrow heads) between two given nodes with the given color.
IOPEdge(IOPEdge, IOPNode, IOPNode) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPEdge
Constructs a new edge cloning the given edge with the new endpoints of given nodes.
IOPFileChooser - Class in g2d.swing
Subclass of JFileChoose that remembers where (on a VM by VM basis) it last was.
IOPFileChooser(String, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFileChooser
IOPFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFileChooser
IOPFileChooser() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFileChooser
IOPFileFilter - Class in g2d.swing
Subclass of FileFilter to allow custom filters for file choosers.
IOPFileFilter() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFileFilter
IOPFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFileFilter
IOPFrame - Class in g2d.swing
A JFrame class.
IOPFrame(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFrame
Class constructor with title of window.
IOPFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFrame
Class constructor that allows gaps between IOPViews.
IOPFrame(String, IOPView) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFrame
Class constructor with default IOPView
IOPFrame(String, IOPComponent) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPFrame
Class constructor with default IOPComponent
IOPGraph - Class in g2d.graph
Represents a directed graph as a list of glyphish things.
IOPGraph() - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPGraph
Constructs an IOPGraph object.
IOPGraph(String) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPGraph
Constructs an IOPGraph object with given layout.
IOPGraph(String, String, String, IOPGraph, Closure, Closure, Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPGraph
IOPInfoDialog - Class in g2d.swing
IOPInfoDialog(Component, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPInfoDialog
IOPInfoDialog(Component, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPInfoDialog
IOPInfoPopup - Class in g2d.swing
IOPInfoPopup(JFrame, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPInfoPopup
IOPInfoPopup(String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPInfoPopup
IOPMenuItem - Class in g2d.swing
Implements one menu item used in text menus.
IOPMenuItem(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPMenuItem
Construct new menu item with text to display (must be non-null) but no associated closure.
IOPMenuItem(String, Closure) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPMenuItem
Construct new menu item with text to display (must be non-null) and the associated closure (can be null).
IOPMenuItem(String, Closure, char) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPMenuItem
Construct new menu item with text to display (must be non-null) and the associated closure (can be null) and a given key as short cut.
IOPMultiSelect - Class in g2d.swing
IOPMultiSelect(Frame, String, String, String[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPMultiSelect
IOPNode - Class in g2d.graph
A node object for IOPGraph.
IOPNode(IOPNode.NodeType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Make a node with the final bits.
IOPNode(String) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct default node with given id and no label.
IOPNode(IOPNode.NodeType, String) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, String, DotNodeAttributes) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, DotNodeAttributes) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(IOPNode.NodeType, String, String, String, DotNodeAttributes) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(IOPNode.NodeType, String, String, String, String, String, Color, Color, int) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, int) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct default node with given id and no label.
IOPNode(String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, String, String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct node with given id and label and use given attributes to create node base.
IOPNode(String, String, String, Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct node with given id and label and use given attributes to create node base.
IOPNode(String, String, String, Color, Color, int, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
IOPNode(String, String, String, Color, Color, int) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct node with given id and label and use given attributes to create node base.
IOPNode(IOPNode) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPNode
Construct a node cloning the given node.
IOPNode.NodeType - Enum in g2d.graph
IOPScrollPane - Class in g2d.swing
A scroll pane for the glyph Component.
IOPScrollPane(IOPComponent) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPScrollPane
IOPScrollPane() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPScrollPane
IOPSingleSelect - Class in g2d.swing
A dynamically configurable popup list dialog widget.
IOPSingleSelect(Frame, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPSingleSelect
Constructor creates the dialog, with an initially empty list of items.
IOPSingleSelect(Frame, Collection<?>, String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPSingleSelect
Constructor creates the dialog, whose elements are intitally those elements of the items collection that are Strings.
IOPSingleSelect(Frame, Object[], String, String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPSingleSelect
Constructor creates the dialog, whose elements are initially those elements of the items array that are Strings.
IOPSubgraph - Class in g2d.graph
A subgraph object for IOPGraph.
IOPSubgraph(String, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPSubgraph
IOPSubgraph(IOPGraph, String, boolean, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPSubgraph
IOPSubgraph(IOPSubgraph) - Constructor for class g2d.graph.IOPSubgraph
IOPTextMenu - Class in g2d.swing
Ideas based on IOPSingleSelect but this is a component that can be displayed inside an area of another window rather than spawning a new dialog window.
IOPTextMenu() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPTextMenu
Create empty menu with empty heading.
IOPTextMenu(String) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPTextMenu
Create empty menu with given heading.
IOPTextMenu(String, List<?>) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPTextMenu
Create menu from given list with given heading.
IOPToolBar - Class in g2d.swing
A Toolbar.
IOPToolBar(IOPView) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPToolBar
IOPToolBar() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPToolBar
IOPView - Class in g2d.swing
View of one IOPComponent to be inserted into top-level container such as IOPFrame.
IOPView() - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
IOPView(Glyphish) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
IOPView(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
IOPView(Glyphish, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
IOPView(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
Create an IOPView with given parameters.
IOPView(Glyphish, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
IOPView(Glyphish, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class g2d.swing.IOPView
isAttribute(String) - Method in class g2d.jlambda.Attributable
Test whether given key is a valid attribute.
isBinaryForm(String) - Static method in class g2d.jlambda.Analyse
isDisabled(String) - Method in class g2d.subset.Basis
isDisabled(String) - Method in class g2d.subset.Universe
isDisabled() - Method in class g2d.subset.Urelement
isDotLayout() - Method in class g2d.graph.IOPGraph
Obtain current layout mode of this graph.
isDoubleEnded() - Method in class g2d.graph.IOPEdge
Query current setting of being double ended (i.e., having two arrow heads, one at each end).
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.glyphviewer.GlyphPanel
Test whether this glyph panel is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.graph.Polygon2D
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.graphviewer.AbstractBaseFrame
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.graphviewer.GraphPanel
Test whether this graph panel is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.jlambda.List
Determines if this list is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class g2d.util.TetrisStack
Test whether stack is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class g2d.closure.ClosureAction
isGadget() - Static method in class g2d.Main
isGlyphishVisible(Glyphish) - Method in class g2d.glyphviewer.GlyphPanel
Test whether given glyphish thing is currently visible in the parental viewport.
isGlyphishVisible(Glyphish) - Method in class g2d.graphviewer.GraphPanel
Test whether given glyphish thing is currently visible in the parental viewport.
isGlyphishVisible(Glyphish) - Method in class g2d.swing.IOPComponent
Test whether given glyphish thing is currently visible.
isHighlighted() - Method in class g2d.graph.GraphItem
For establishing the state of higlighting.
isLarge() - Method in class g2d.glyph.BufferedGlyphList
isNegated() - Static method in class g2d.swing.BulkInputDialog
Query whether the NEGATION check box is currently activated.
ISNULL - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
ISOBJECT - Static variable in class g2d.jlambda.SymbolTable
isOK(String[]) - Method in class g2d.npa.TermTable
isOK(Subsorter) - Method in class g2d.terms.AppTerm
isOK() - Method in class g2d.terms.Constructor
isOSX - Static variable in class g2d.Main
isPrimitiveForm(String) - Static method in class g2d.jlambda.Analyse
isRemote() - Static method in class g2d.Main
isSelected() - Method in class g2d.graph.GraphItem
isSelected(IOPNode) - Method in enum g2d.pla.SettingsMode
isSelected(IOPGraph, GraphItem) - Method in enum g2d.pla.SubgraphTabita.SubgraphMode
isSelected() - Method in class g2d.subset.Urelement
isStaticAttribute(String) - Method in class g2d.jlambda.Attributable
Test whether given key is a valid static attribute.
isStaticField(String) - Static method in class g2d.jlambda.Interpreter
isUnaryForm(String) - Static method in class g2d.jlambda.Analyse
isVisible() - Method in class g2d.swing.HTMLPopup
isVisible() - Method in class g2d.swing.IOPInfoPopup
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class g2d.closure.ClosureItemListener
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Graphics2D Actor API