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Graphics2D Actor API

Package g2d.jlambda

This package contains a Scheme-like CPS (continuation passing style) interpreter for JLambda, the programmer's manual for the JLambda language can be downloaded from here: [pdf].

See: Description

Package g2d.jlambda Description

This package contains a Scheme-like CPS (continuation passing style) interpreter for JLambda, the programmer's manual for the JLambda language can be downloaded from here: [pdf]. JLambda is a Scheme like lexically scoped language with closures etc. Call-by-value left to right evaluation ordering. Augmented with Object-Oriented primitives that allow full access to the Java class libraries. It has exactly the same underlying primitive data types as Java, and access to all of Java's built in packages and classes.
July 2004
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Graphics2D Actor API